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Common Questions and Answers
Еще народ там переживает в комментах, что половина актеров сейчас заняты в других сериалах.
Но, мы-то с вами помним, я считаю, вот этот момент:
FIREFLY "Out of Gas"
Airdate: Oct. 25, 2002
Written by: Tim Minear
Why it's great: Malcolm Reynolds, captain of the smuggling transport ship Serenity, is bleeding, cold and alone, on the deck of his beloved ship. The story of how he got there -- which involves a busted engine part and a less-than-scrupulous salvage team -- is intercut with the story of how he recruited his crew. Ultimately it's a dramatically adventurous story about family, about how one man built a family through sheer will and the lengths he'll go to to protect it.
Interesting notes: Alan Tudyk gave Joss Whedon the big "recall" button from this episode, explaining that if Whedon could get a second season for Firefly, he could press the button and the cast would come running.

И чтоб не заспамливать, вот русский вариант дискуссии)) На Лостфильме http://lostfilm.tv/news.php?act=comments&id=1467&o=0
Common Questions and Answers
Еще народ там переживает в комментах, что половина актеров сейчас заняты в других сериалах.
Но, мы-то с вами помним, я считаю, вот этот момент:
FIREFLY "Out of Gas"
Airdate: Oct. 25, 2002
Written by: Tim Minear
Why it's great: Malcolm Reynolds, captain of the smuggling transport ship Serenity, is bleeding, cold and alone, on the deck of his beloved ship. The story of how he got there -- which involves a busted engine part and a less-than-scrupulous salvage team -- is intercut with the story of how he recruited his crew. Ultimately it's a dramatically adventurous story about family, about how one man built a family through sheer will and the lengths he'll go to to protect it.
Interesting notes: Alan Tudyk gave Joss Whedon the big "recall" button from this episode, explaining that if Whedon could get a second season for Firefly, he could press the button and the cast would come running.

И чтоб не заспамливать, вот русский вариант дискуссии)) На Лостфильме http://lostfilm.tv/news.php?act=comments&id=1467&o=0